The nutrition facts are more powerful, but the concern is that heard a lot of nutrition myths daily. In fact, there is plenty of misinformed information available on the web. Even the qualified health experts like dietitians and doctors are blame for spreading the misinformation on nutrition to the public and also adding them to confusion. Here is a site to know about the top 10 nutrition myths from the 90s that include:
The gluten free products are very healthier than the gluten products; because it offers free benefits to those who cannot even absorb and digest gluten.
Many people fear about high fat foods; because they are unhealthy and rather, follow the low fat diets.
Eating small and recurrent meals routinely all over the day is good for optimal health and utilized by several people to boost up the weight loss and metabolism.
Non-nutritive sweeteners like sugar free, low carb and low calorie foods are healthy, while the diet high in added sugar can significantly improves the risky disease and intake of it can also lead to negative health results.
White potatoes are unhealthy and restricted by several people those who wish to lose weight or enhance their complete health.
The supplements are waste of money particularly those who with health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and those who take common medications such as antidiabetic medications, proton pump inhibitors, statins, birth control, etc.
Following a very low calorie diet is one of the excellent ways to lose weight and cutting calories can also lead to metabolic adoptions and long term health results.
You have to be skinny to be healthy; because obesity is linked with several health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, early health, depression and specific cancers.
All juices and smoothies are very healthy as well as highly nutritious. These freshly made juices are basically composed of non-starchy vegetables that can be a good way to maximize your mineral, vitamin and antioxidant intake.
The weight loss is not at all simple and it needs hard work, consistency, patience and self-love.